Lot of bugs and faults. Interface poorly designed, wont help much to find a name for your kid
Lot of bugs and faults. Interface poorly designed, wont help much to find a name for your kid
There is no names.... Only on comes up when I search female or boy ....
Should have pics :(
Has like no NORMAL names. Who would call them names like rthtm? It doesnt even have vowels! Dont get it! I deleted it!
Its because u guys cant figure it outit doesnt come up with names u look up a name and it tells u the origin and gender and meaning of that name. Yes they are average commonly found names like ben tiffany katlyn etc.
Lee in chinese doesnt mean "plum" in the case when it is used as a persons name. Very rarely would you see someones first name be lee, its more of a meaningless maiden name
How is Terri not in here?!
Okay, if it bothers you that your name is not in there, ADD IT. It has an option on the bottom. The one issue I have is doubles and triples of the same name. Also, people who submit it spell the origin wrong, making options like "Japenese".
Dont know the pronounciation of the Vietnamese names if you dont include the accents on the letters. Please insert it to make it clearer to which name it is in Vietnamese.
Only1 arabic name. Epic fail
This app. Is a disappointment, Im sorry. I deleted it.
Great resource for writers struggling to come up with an appropriate name for a character. Just type in a meaning or select on origin and youve got interesting names you may have never heard before! Would love a little more description to the names and alternate meanings, as well as more history of origin. Still very helpful for the head scratcher.
I use to really like this app because of the wide choice of names but the most recent update took away the advanced search, asking you to pay for a $4.99 upgrade in order to access it! Ridiculous! There isnt any way to look at just girls or boys names anymore! Ugly welcome screen and the design functionality has never been great anyhow... So disappointed.
The new update is extremely disappointing. I deleted.
The new update is absolutely HORRIBLE. Charging $4.99 to do a search that could be done for free on the previous version is absolutely ridiculous. I deleted the app.
I dont mind this app, but one thing that would make it way better is if when you are looking at a name when you want to go back to the lost of names it would take you back to the name you selected instead of the beginning of the list. Could be done better.
I thought when you upgraded this app it was just totally inconvenient and annoying. But now in order to search a name I have to pay 5$?! I dont know if this is a glitch or not, but Im deleting this app.
This app is useful, coming from an author who frets over what to call their characters. However I find it has some MAJOR flaws: 1. When you select a name it brings you to the definition page; thats fine, but when you pull out back onto the list, youre at the beginning. Why would anyone want to go through names theyve already seen just to pick up where they left off? It irritates me very little, but its something I kindly recommend you see to. No offense intended :) 2. Some pages have no definition or source... D: Other than those, its just peachy! :)
海外の名前を参考にしたくてダウンロードしたものの・・・おもしろ半分で日本人の名前をいろいろ見ていたら「おいおいそんな名前ないだろ!」「江戸時代の名前?」って思うような、どこでそんな名前を集めてきたのか驚くようなものが大半・・・。 というわけで逆に外国の名前情報も信用できなくなり、もし外国人が日本人みたいな名前つけたい!と思ってこのアプリで見つけた名前を適当につけたら悲劇かも・・・と思いました。 Im Japanese but many strange names are found in Japanese name list.... some arent Japanese names...I cant trust the data and infomation in this application... :S
Didnt find me any useful names, search function sucks