Frankly I was an still am dissapointed. The interface doesnt flow well and the speed is not what it should be.
As for the names themselves a nice selection except there are a number of duplicates. There is no reason for the name Christina to be in there three times. There should be an over ride that merges new entries into the previous one and the constant cap locks should go as well.
On another note, the names are not always accurate in their meanings. You should look into that.
One upside to this is that you can add names and meanings. I like this feature since Im into less traditional names and prefer ones that I find randomly.
The developers have a chance to really make an awesome app here if they really try. I hope an update or two can fix the issues. Perhaps even a full rehaul of the interface. Other then then that the app is Useable. You can search names and see one meaning. Which is good if. Your Name only has one meaning.
Tuxsuti about 25,000 Baby Names